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Our partner plans is simple and fit to your needs. We guarantee you the industry low pricing for your partners, so you keep most of margin!
Not sure which plan is best for you, contact our professional account manager to provide you solution.

Digicert GeoTrust RapidSSL Sectigo Positive Sectigo Code Signing

symantec&digicert.png Symantec SSL/TLS Certificates
Save up to 50% compared to vendor's pricing        
Premium security solutions from a brand the world knows and trusts, Symantec is the most respected name in web security.

Secure Site1 year$371.3$371.3$371.3$371.3
Secure Site Wildcard 1 year$1601.8$1601.8$1601.8$1601.8

Secure Site Multi-domain

1 year









Secure Site Pro1 year$995.1$995.1$995.1$995.1
Secure Site Pro Multi-domain
1 year$(x*995.1+y*3745)$(x*995.1+y*3745)$(x*995.1+y*3745)$(x*995.1+y*3745)

Secure Site EV
(multi-domain is supported,
fee charged on SANs)

1 year$788.6$788.6$788.6$788.6

Secure Site Pro EV
(multi-domain is supported,
fee charged on SANs)

1 year$1319$1319$1319$1319

geotrust-logo.pngGeotrust SSL/TLS Certificates
Save up to 50% compared to vendor's pricing        
Geotrust, a trusted leader in online security services. Its range of digital certificate and trust products, including SSL encryption, digital signatures, code signing, secure email, and enterprise SSL products, perfectly suits for E-commerce websites, Corporate websites and financial systems.

QuickSSL Premium1 year$62.7$57$51.8$47.1
QuickSSL Premium Wildcard1 year$249.2$226.6$206$187.3

QuickSSL Premium
(x:single domain, y:wildcard)

1 year$(x*62.7+y*249.2) $(x*57+y*226.6) $(x*51.8+y*206) $(x*47.1+y*187.3)
True BusinessID1 year$112.5$102.3$93$84.5
True BusinessID Wildcard1 year$460$418.2$380.2$345.6

True BusinessID Multi-domain

(x:single domain, y:wildcard)

1 year$(112.5+x*44+y*460) $(102.3+x*43+y*418.2) $(93+x*42+y*380.2) $(84.5+x*41+y*345.6)
True BusinessID  EV
1 year$229.3$208.4$189.5$172.3
True BusinessID  EV Muliti-domain
1 year$(229.3+x*75)$(208.4+x*75)$(189.5+x*75)$(172.3+x*75)

rapidssl_logo.gif RapidSSL Certificates
Save 70% compared to vendor's pricing        
RapidSSL provides base level customer confidence with the https, closed padlock and a static trust mark for downloading and displaying on your site.

RapidSSL1 year$12.7$11.5$10.5$9.5
RapidSSL Wildcard1 year





code signing.png Code Signing Certificates
Code Signing certificates allow software publishers to digitally sign their code to prove to end-users that it has not been modified by a third party. Both Symantec and Comodo code signing certificates are trusted by all major operating systems and browsers, so end-users will no longer see warning messages when they download and attempt to install your software.

Sectigo Code Signing Certificate

1 year$419$419$419$419
2 years$796$796$796$796
Digicert Code Signing Certificate

1 year$580$580$580$580
2 years$999$999$999$999

Sectigo_positive-ssl.png Sectigo Positive SSL Certificates
Save up to 85% compared to vendor's pricing        
Positive SSL certificates are the fast, cost-effective way for online merchants to protect customer transactions with SSL security.

Positive SSLBronzeSilverGoldPlatinum
1 year





Positive SSL Wildcard

1 year$79$75$69$65

Positive SSL Multi-Domain

(x=wildcard domain, y=single domain)

1 yearx*65+y*7x*65+y*7x*65+y*7x*65+y*7
PositiveSSL EV

1 year$95$95$89$84
PositiveSSL EV Multi-Domain

1 year (3 domains)$229$229$225$219
1 year (4+ domains)domain numbers *69domain numbers *69domain numbers *69domain numbers *69

Sectigo-Logo-(OnlineNIC-page).png Sectigo SSL/TLS Certificates
Save up to 75% compared to vendor's pricing        
Sectigo - Our mission is simple, to Create Trust Online.

Sectigo SSLBronzeSilverGoldPlatinum
1 year$40$35$30$25
Sectigo SSL Wildcard

1 year$149$149$139$129
Sectigo Premium SSL

1 year$159$159$149$139
Sectigo PremiumSSL Wildcard

1 year$189$189$179$169
Sectigo EV SSL

1 year$158$158$148$138
Sectigo EV Multi-Domain SSLThe same price for all resellers
1 year3 domains$297
4+ domainsdomain numbers *99
Sectigo UCC SSLThe same price for all resellers
1 year3 domains$87
4+ domainsdomain numbers *29

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1999-2025 OnlineNIC is an ICANN-accredited registrar, a brand of GRENT TECHNOLOGY PTE. LTD. Please read our Privacy Policy, Service terms , and Dispute Policy