Positive SSL Certificates
- Domain validated certificate
- 2048 bit Industry Standard SSL Certificate
- Trusted by all popular browsers
- 99.9% Browser Compatibility
- 128/256 bit encryption
- 30 day Refund Policy
- $10,000 relying party warranty
- Email and web support
- Unlimited Re-Issuance Policy
- Unlimited server licenses

128 bit SSL Certificates are designed for encrypting web sites for low volume online transactions. Trusted by over 99.9% of current Internet users, Positive SSL is the solution for new websites or environments where trust has been established and entity verification (for identity assurance) is not needed. Positive SSL Certificate carry a $10,000 warranty.
Comodo SSL Certificates
- Domain validated certificate
- Secures domain.com AND www.domain.com
- Trusted by all popular browsers
- 99.9% Browser Compatibility
- 128/256 bit encryption
- 30 day Refund Policy
- $250,000 relying party warranty
- Highly visible site seal
- Highest levels of SSL security - 2048 bit digital signatures and up to 256 bit encryption as standard
- Issued online in minutes - automated validation means no paperwork, no faxes, no delay
- Free upgrade to EV SSL for the first year of your certificate
Comodo SSL certificates are the quickest way for online businesses to protect customer transactions with SSL security. Featuring fast online issuance, the strongest possible levels of encryption, dedicated customer support and a huge $250K warranty, Comodo SSL lets you create a highly secure e-business environment within minutes.
Comodo SSL Wildcard Certificates
- Fast Online Validation
- Free PCI scanning service (1 year)
- Trusted by all popular browsers
- 99.9% Browser Compatibility
- 128/256 bit encryption
- 30 day Refund Policy
- $250,000 relying party warranty
- Highly visible site seal
- Save time and money - secure unlimited sub-domains with a single certificate
- Free Trustlogo site seal to improve customer conversion
- Free Daily Vulnerability Scanning on your website (1 year)
Comodo SSL Wildcard Certificates have all the security features, compatibility and warranty of our single domain certificate and, unlike other providers, we do not double, triple, or spike the price of your Certificate for every additional license!
Each certificate comes with unlimited server licensing included in the price - meaning you are free to install it on as many physical servers as you wish.
Comodo Premium SSL Wildcard Certificates
- Full business validated certificate
- Free PCI scanning service (1 year)
- Trusted by all popular browsers
- 99.9% Browser Compatibility
- 128/256 bit encryption
- 30 day Refund Policy
- $250,000 relying party warranty
- FREE HackerGuardian Vulnerability Scan
- Save time and money - secure unlimited sub-domains with a single certificate
- FREE Dynamic website TrustLogo($119.00 value)
- Free Daily Vulnerability Scanning on your website (1 year)
Comodo Premium SSL Certificates have all the security features, compatibility and warranty of Comodo SSL Wildcard.
Each certificate comes with unlimited server licensing included in the price - meaning you are free to install it on as many physical servers as you wish.
Comodo EV SSL
- Free PCI scanning service (1 year)
- Priority phone support
- 99.9% Browser Compatibility
- 256 bit encryption
- 30 day Refund Policy
- $1,750,000 relying party warranty
- FREE HackerGuardian Vulnerability Scan
- Free Comodo TrustLogo for unlimited server licenses
- Post-installation health check
- Free, 1 year HackerProof daily website vulnerability scanning
- Green address bar provides immediate trust and helps customer conversion
Comodo Extended Validation (EV) certificates deliver the highest technical levels of encryption and security, have the power to turn the browser address bar green and come complete with an unbeatable package of free security tools that make it the complete trust package for your website.
Comodo UCC SSL
- Save money and ease certificate management processes
- Full Subject Alternative Name (SAN) control
- 128/256 bit encryption, trusted by 99.9% of browsers, servers and clients
- Designed for MS Exchange and OCS environments
- One of three official Microsoft UCC vendors
- Unlimited, no fee re-issuance, move/change domains as required
If your organization uses an MS® Exchange 2007 or higher Office Communications Server environment, you can consolidate all of your certificates into a single UC Certificate from Comodo. Unified Communications SSL Certificates or Exchange SSL are built expressly for the Microsoft Exchange and/or Microsoft Office Communication Server environments.
Unlike standard or even Wildcard SSL Certificates, a single Exchange SSL Certificate can provide secured communications on a number of different domains, reducing administrative complexity and cost.
Unified Communications SSL certificates also support the 'Autodiscover' service in Microsoft Exchange, a new capability that greatly eases client administration.